Blindspades and the environment 

What do we at Blindspades do about the environment? Nowadays everyone wants a "green image". They do the most complicated things to at least give the impression that they are environmentally aware. Yet "going green" is not difficult at all. In the examples below of our daily work, we show how we try to contribute to lower consumption of raw materials and reduction of your and our waste streams.

Flange Management

Daily reality is that between the periods of usage, the pitch flanges are stored somewhere as shown on the picture. In principle, these flanges are perfectly usable, but due to logistical costs or time constraints they are temporarely not used, or perhaps even never used again. In our Flange Management Program, we inventory and re-condition and turn this future scrap back into a usable product. 

Why is Flange Management green? Cutting and delivering a new flange or spade costs gas, steel, labor and transportation. A reconditioned flange costs only transportation and labor, thereby relieving our natural resources.


Flanges are robust products that can take a beating, so the packaging does not need to be very specific. This is why our flanges often arrive in packaging that has already been used. We are proud of that! The employees of Blinspades look in their private and work situation for packaging materials that can best be used. And then we apply them!

Why is the packaging of Blindspades green? By reusing packaging once, we save 50% on the consumption of raw materials through packaging.

Working together towards a cleaner industry

We trust that you appreciate our commitment and environmental efforts. We hope this will inspire you to take a simple approach to making things more environmentally friendly and cleaner in your daily practice as well!