Corporate Social Responsibility

At Blindspades, we always try to do our part in society by supporting projects and organisations we support. Because we hope more people will follow our example, we have collected the charities we contribute to from Steekflens on this page. If you have any questions about this, please contact us!


Nederlandse Brandwonden Stichting

The Nederlandse Brandwonden Stichting (Dutch Burns Foundation) helps all people who have suffered burn injuries. They do so both with research and with active help after an accident. Last but not least, they actively work on prevention. This will hopefully make their target group smaller and smaller!

Because they depend largely on donations, we at Blindspades think it is important to contribute to this charity. Not least because the workplaces where our flanges and other products are used can also regularly produce burn victims. We hope you might also be willing to do your bit!

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